Northern New Mexico Expanding Your

     Horizons (SPRING)-Santa Fe

Technical Career Workshops for Young Women

Expanding Your Horizons Workshop Goals:

  • To increase young womens' interest in and awareness of mathematics, science, and other nontraditional professions.
  • To provide students an opportunity to meet and form personal contacts with women working in traditionally male occupations.

The Expanding Your Horizons (NNM EYH) Student Workshops target 5-8th grade girls. Registrations are accepted on a space available basis. The 2020 Northern New Mexico EYH conference (Spring) will be held on Wednesday, Feburary 26, 2020, at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center (SFCCC), 201 West Marcy Avenue, Santa Fe.

NNM EYH 2020 Final Report

NNM EYH 2019 Final Report

NNM EYH 2018 Final Report

EYH20 Keynote: EYH20 Keynote

EYH19 Keynote Speaker: Leah Buechley

EYH18 Keynote Speaker: Jennifer Hollingsworth

EYH17 Keynote Speaker: Heather Nordquist

EYH16 Keynote Speaker: Jill S. Tietjen

EYH15 Keynote Speaker: Sara Brown

EYH14 Keynote Speaker: Sanna Savanto

EYH13 Keynote Speaker and Mars Rover presentation by Nina Lanza and Agnes Cousin

EYH13 YouTube Video

Please see the NMNWSE EYH website for other EYH conferences in New Mexico.